Being happy is a basic human desire, and we all work to achieve it in different ways. Happiness is a subjective sensation that differs from person to person, making it difficult to quantify. To better measure and comprehend well-being, academics have created the happiness index to address this problem.

A Happiness Index is what?

A “Well-being Index,” frequently referred to as a “Happiness Index,” is a measurement of a population’s general well-being and happiness. It is a composite indicator that weighs a number of variables to determine how content people are with their life. These variables include things like affluence economically, social welfare, health, education, and environmental quality.

A Happiness Index can be calculated in a number of ways, and many organisations and nations employ various techniques. The World Happiness Report, the Gross National Happiness Index, and the Happy Planet Index are some of the most popular indices.

Report on World Happiness

The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network publishes the World Happiness Report every year. Based on how content and contented their population are, it ranks nations. Six aspects are taken into account in the report: generosity, life expectancy, income, social assistance, freedom of choice in life, and perceptions of corruption.

The report also includes a number of sub-reports that focus on other facets of happiness, such as how COVID-19 affects well-being, how happiness and migration are related, and how crucial social connections are for well-being.

Index of Gross National Happiness

The Kingdom of Bhutan created the Gross National Happiness (GNH) Index, a novel metric of wellbeing. In addition to economic aspects that affect total satisfaction, it also considers social and environmental factors. The GNH Index is based on nine domains: living standards, cultural variety and resilience, good governance, psychological well-being, health, time use, and ecological diversity and resilience.

In comparison to conventional economic measurements like the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the GNH Index is seen as a more comprehensive indicator of wellbeing.

Index Happy Planet

Another indicator of wellbeing that considers both happiness and ecological sustainability is the Happy Planet Index (HPI). It evaluates how effectively nations use their resources to maintain both the natural environment and a high standard of living for their population.

The HPI takes into account three variables: wellbeing, lifespan, and ecological footprint. It gauges a nation’s capacity to give its people healthy, long lives while simultaneously protecting the natural resources of the world.

The Happiness Index: Why Is It Important?

The Happiness Index is significant because it aids in the understanding of wellbeing-related issues by researchers and policymakers. Government decision-makers can create interventions to raise the standard of living for their inhabitants by recognising the major factors influencing happiness.

The Happiness Index furthermore offers a tool to compare the wellbeing of various populations across various nations and areas. This can assist in identifying best practises and guiding the development of policies that support wellbeing.

Businesses and organisations who want to assess the happiness of their clients or staff can benefit from using the Happiness Index. Organisations can discover areas for improvement and create interventions to increase well-being by measuring the satisfaction and well-being of their stakeholders.


The Happiness Index is a useful instrument for assessing and comprehending wellbeing, to sum up. The Happiness Index, as opposed to conventional economic metrics, offers a more thorough picture of wellbeing by taking into account a variety of elements that affect happiness.

The Happiness Index will continue to be a crucial instrument for measuring and promoting happiness and well-being as nations and organisations around the world prioritise the welfare of their inhabitants and stakeholders.