Growing in popularity over the past several years is the satisfying and sustainable pastime of raising hens. Whether you choose to raise chickens for their farm-fresh eggs, as a source of homegrown meat or just for the delight of taking care of these feathery companions, it can be fun and instructive. This article will offer a thorough introduction to keeping chickens for beginners, covering everything from choosing the best breed to taking care of your flock. cost of raising chickens

Selecting the Correct Breed

Choosing the ideal breed for your requirements is the first step in keeping chickens. Because chickens come in different shapes, colours, and temperaments, it’s crucial to think about your objectives:

  1. Egg-Laying Hens: If your main objective is to have a steady supply of fresh eggs, breeds like Leghorns, Sussex, and Rhode Island Reds are wonderful options. They are renowned for producing a lot of eggs.
  2. Chickens for Meat: If you want to raise chickens for meat, you should think about choosing a grill breed like the Cornish Cross or the Freedom Rangers. These breeds produce a lot of meat and develop fast.
  3. Chickens with Dual Functions: Some varieties, such as Plymouth Rocks and Orpingtons, are renowned for both egg production and high-quality meat. If you want a flock that is adaptable, they are a fantastic option.
  4. Ornamental Chickens: If you’re looking for something special and attractive, fancy breeds like Silkies or Polish chickens are popular options.

Getting the Coop Ready

The welfare of your hens depends on having a safe and cosy coop. Here are some crucial things to remember:

Chickens require adequate room to move around comfortably, so provide that area. Give each chicken at least 2 to 3 square feet inside the coop and 8 to 10 square feet outside in the run.

  1. Ventilation: To maintain high air quality and avoid moisture buildup, proper ventilation is crucial. To make sure there is enough ventilation, install vents or windows.
  2. Nesting Boxes: Give your chickens nesting boxes so they may lay eggs in them. Usually, one nesting box is plenty for every three to four chickens.
  3. Roosts: At night, chickens like roosting. Install strong roosts so they may perch there to sleep. Per bird, allot roughly 8 inches of roosting area.

Nutrition and Subsistence

A balanced diet is essential for your hens’ well-being and egg production. Think about the following advice:

  1. Commercial feed: Premium commercial chicken feed is made to suit the dietary requirements of hens at various stages of development. For layers, broilers, and meat birds, there are particular diets.
  2. Additional rewards: You may offer your hens kitchen scraps, veggies, and grains as rewards in addition to commercial feed. Just be careful not to feed them anything dangerous or hazardous.
  3. Clean, Fresh Water: Always offer your hens with clean, fresh water. In hot weather, chickens may consume a surprising quantity of water.

Care and Health

Maintaining your hens’ health is crucial for a productive flock:

  1. Routine Checkups: Keep an eye out for symptoms of disease or suffering in your hens. Consult a veterinarian who specialises in poultry if you detect any strange behaviour or symptoms.
  2. Parasite control: To keep your hens free of internal and external parasites, implement a routine deworming and parasite management programme.
  3. Biosecurity: To stop disease outbreaks, practise sound biosecurity. Limit who has access to your flock, and when required, sanitise tools and shoes.


Both novice farmers and seasoned farmers can find raising hens to be a rewarding and pleasurable activity. You may build a healthy flock of chickens that will provide you with fresh eggs, meat, and the satisfaction of caring for these feathery friends by selecting the proper breed, building a cosy coop, delivering a balanced feed, and assuring good health and care. The process of growing hens is a gratifying one that can infuse your life with a flavour of the country, whether you have a little backyard or a large farm. can chickens eat tomatoes